July 20, 2009

Yale Club

Occasion: Dinner with Abby and Amy
Location: Yale Club on Vanderbilt at E 44th
Edibles: turkey burger with Swiss; fries and coleslaw

Musings: I love hanging out at the Yale Club with Amy, soaking in the hoity-toityness of it all. The main room is decorated with things like wingback chairs and oil paintings of Clinton and George W. Both there and in the dining room, no money changes hands - Amy writes her membership number on a slip of paper and it's billed to her monthly.

Amy has been a member since she graduated from college. The wait staff in the dining room know her by name and one very nice guy even knows her regular drink and dinner order, down to the sides and the extra mustard. Sadly, that server - who gave us free dessert the last time we were there - was not working tonight.

As for the things I usually comment on, the service was a little slow but the burger was pretty good. They're not really the reasons you would go to the Yale Club.

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