July 30, 2009

Top Chef Masters Ep. 7

Original Air Date: July 29, 2009

1) A well-deserved win by Anita Lo. Just one star short of a perfect score! I thought she had the hardest dish to begin with - lobster cappuccino, Hubert, really? - but she totally took charge and made it her own. Delicious, from the sounds of it. Corn chawanmushi, champagne gelée and a biscuit with lobster knuckle - a high-end soup and sandwich.
2) Rick Bayless has some whipping arm! He motored through that egg white task.
3) Suzanne's interview made her sound a little snotty, like she didn't respect Art's cooking very much. Also not sure why her dish went cold when she plated it only a minute and a half before time, and three other chefs served after her.
4) Ludo! What a nutter. He was disappointingly tame this episode.

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