September 26, 2009

Móle, part II

Occasion: Lunch with Yining, between the final two stops of Oktoberfest provisioning
Location: Móle on Allen between Houston and Stanton (
Edibles: the carnitas tacos with all the fixings and the huevos con chorizo to share

Musings: I wasn't going to post on Móle again - but then I tasted the huevos con chorizo. A new yummy! They really do deserve a post of their own. [Note: You can read my praise for the carnitas tacos here.]

I thought the dish would be scrambled eggs with chunks of chorizo sausage in it, but it's more like the sausage meat was mixed with beaten eggs and fried. There's easily as much meat as egg. It made me a little nervous since chorizo is usually pretty aggressive, but the version that's in these eggs is mild and delicately spiced with cumin and paprika (I think). I wolfed down my portion straight up; Yining reported they're wonderful wrapped in corn tortillas too.

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