September 2, 2009

Joe's Pub

Occasion: Dinner with Yining before the Happy Ending Music and Reading event
Location: Joe's Pub on Lafayette between E 4th and Astor Place (
Edibles: orecchiette with meatballs for me; frittata panini for Yining

Musings: Fun space, fun event. BUT.

Even though we arrived early and the place was more than half empty, the hostess led us to a table waaay in the back, away from the stage. When we asked if we could get a closer table, she tersely informed us that people reserve specific tables. I certainly hadn't been told about table availability when I made the reservation. Great. We also learned that the artists usually reserve the front tables. For their friends who get discounted tickets? Really? And do their friends need to be up front and center, as opposed to people who are being exposed to the artists for the first time, possible future fans-to-be? Seems backwards to me.

Yining and I both thought Joe's Pub should seriously rethink their policy of ticket price + $12 minimum food order for a table. Popular opinion is that the food sucks and is incredibly overpriced. So why not make the ticket $5 more, have a one drink minimum and forego the kitchen altogether? Joe's Pub is in the heart of NYU territory - i.e. cheap, fast, (and because it's New York) delicious casual food. In this context, it was especially galling to have to pay $17 for sub-standard pasta (the meatballs were gristly and gamey). Yining's frittata panini was better but still overpriced at $14. We could have eaten like kings at Mahmoun's for $10, had a glass of wine at Joe's, and been perfectly happy.

Think about it, Joe's Pub.

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