August 29, 2009


Occasion: Post-theatre (The Bacchae) dinner with Elizabeth, Mamie and Abby
Location: Crispo on 14th between 7th and 8th (
Edibles: beet and goat cheese salad and spaghetti carbonara for me; arugula salad for Abby; a cheese plate, deep-fried risotto balls and roasted brussels sprouts for Elizabeth; shrimp and sausage for Mamie

Musings: Having not eaten since 1pm, I was STARVING by the time we arrived at Crispo - around 10pm. That's my excuse for the gluttony, anyway. (I felt a twinge of guilt when Abby's salad - her lone course - arrived. But just a twinge.)

Lots of good things to report about the meal. I looooved the beet salad. The portion was gigantic and the bold vinaigrette dressing grabbed you by the lapels and gave you a good shake. In a good way.

The carbonara was a little disappointing. They were absolutely on the right track with the poached egg on top, but the pasta was a tad undercooked and the sauce was too thin and didn't adhere well to the pasta. Definite room for improvement there.

A grilled shrimp from Mamie's plate (traded for a forkful of spaghetti) was juicy and flavorful, one of the best shrimp I've had in a while.

Elizabeth's risotto balls were piping hot and full of cheesy goodness. Thumbs up. The maple-roasted brussels sprouts with almonds were a revelation. Earthy fall ingredients in an unusual combination that totally makes sense once you think about it. Yum! I'm definitely making a version of this dish as a Thanksgiving side this year. Maybe with golden raisins and pine nuts....

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