October 23, 2009

Top Chef Las Vegas Ep. 9

Original Air Date: October 21, 2009

1) Really fun Quickfire! I think everyone could have done a better job leaving clues for the next chef, though. For example, if Jen wanted the fish poached in the oil, she should have left the plate of fish next to the stove.
2) Blue Team's logistics were all wrong. Why have one person responsible for both dishes in a course? Red Team's laddering of responsibilities (i.e. Mike doing an app and a main, Bryan doing a main and a dessert) was definitely the better way to go.
3) Jen sure had an off day. Unfortunately for Laurine, there was no way the judges were going to give Jen the boot ahead of her and Robin. It does kind of suck to be sent home on a day when you didn't even cook. (Did Laurine really come up with the concept for that lamb dish? The carrot jam had to have been Kevin's idea.)
4) Revolt is a terrible name for a restaurant. Why not go with Revolution? Similar wordplay, none of the "disgusting" connotations. Even Revol (sounds like "revel") would have been a better choice. Also, Eli should have tucked in his shirt.
5) Great accessories on Padma! Loved her necklace, loved her shoes.


  1. Am I the only one who finds Mike I. really annoying? He's the classic guy who talks really big after the fact, like the "I should have taken the front" monologue. Maybe tonight he'll get called out.

  2. He talks big before the fact, too. Like Natalie Portman, Mike I. is someone who thinks they smarter and more talented than they really are. Good riddance.
