October 28, 2009

How to Cook Everything

How to Cook Everything: Simple Recipes for Great Food
by Mark Bittman

My review:  4/5 stars

First recommended to me by Elan. Since learning about it, I've spied its bright yellow spine on lots of my friends' bookshelves. When I was in Chicago and Karen was wondering what ratio of water-to-lentils to use, this was the book she reached for. When I was contemplating lobster stock, this was one of the two books I consulted (don't let my failure with that one deter you).

It's a great cookbook for everyone. If you've just mastered toast and canned soup, the recipes and instructions are straightforward and easy to follow. Even if you know what's what in the kitchen, you'll still find it a handy reference. I docked it the one star for not having any photographs.

Thanks for the hardcover upgrade, Ben!

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