October 12, 2009

Top Chef Las Vegas Ep. 7

Original Air Date: October 7, 2009

1) Mike V.'s two red-headed little girls are adorable!
2) It's too bad he ended up in the bottom this week. He clearly knows how to cook fish properly, but had zero margin for error in this challenge. In a restaurant setting, he simply would have started over with new fish.
3) By the way, Ash, there's a difference between collaborating with Picasso, and washing his paintbrushes. You may be outclassed in this competition but have a little pride, man!
4) The Mystery of the Salty Gnocchi: Ashley seems like an old hand at making gnocchi so it's strange that she would oversalt the dough to that degree. But if Eli was solely responsible, either in the boiling or the saucing, surely the judges would have been able to tell (i.e. it would only have been salty on the outside)?
5) The broth in the winning dish had Eric Ripert written all over it. Jen is certainly skillful, but what's HER style?
6) Robin is not my favorite, but she deserved better than Mike I.'s passive-aggressive douchebaggery.
7) I am obsessed with the wine glasses with the frosted rings they had on the table when the judges were eating.

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