October 21, 2009

Hyo Dong Gak

Occasion: Workday lunch
Location: Hyo Dong Gak on 35th between 5th and 6th
Edibles: noodles with brown sauce

Musings: Another lunchtime tip from the folks at Midtown Lunch. I love this dish, but haven't had it since my handmade noodle place on 32nd closed down. I'm happy to have found a replacement! At $6.95, it's a very nice lunch indeed. If only it was a little closer to my office....

The dish features a glossy, mahogany brown sauce with lots of onions. I also encountered little chunks of pork, potato and zucchini throughout. Once you mix it in, the sauce tends to collect at the edges of the bowl. I recommend eating from the outside in to maintain a good sauce-to-noodle ratio; if you just scoop up noodles from the middle, you will end up with tons of leftover (wasted) sauce.

The noodles were nice and chewy. And long. I yanked and slurped my way through my plate, only to learn later - by spying on a nearby table - that you can ask the waitress with snip through it a bunch of times with a pair of kitchen shears. The more you know....

[A random vignette: The little old Asian man sitting alone at the table next to me was singing to himself as he waited for his check. I was reading a book, but also enjoying his little recital. He must have noticed my attention on some level because he leaned over and asked me if I was Korean. While being asked about my ethnicity is my least favorite question from strangers, he followed it up with my absolute favorite since turning 30: "Are you a student?" I told him no to both, I just like Korean food. He bid me good day and went on his way.]

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