October 12, 2009

Little Italy Pizza

Occasion: Workday lunch
Location: Little Italy Pizza on 45th between 5th and 6th (littleitalypizzany.com)
Edibles: one slice each of sausage and chicken parmesan pizza

Musings: Despite its awards for the best pizza in town, I don't think Little Italy is all that impressive. The sausage slice was good; the chicken parm, not so much.  The chicken was dry, and the toppings were so heavy they just slid off the crust. It's impossible to eat without a knife and fork, which kind of defeats the purpose of making it a pizza, you know?

My biggest beef with this place is the price. My two slices cost me $8.50. I thought it was because of my "fancy" toppings, but the lady behind me ran up a bill of $8.10 for a white slice and a cheese slice. That's just too expensive for pizza.

Koronet, I still love you bestest.

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