August 24, 2010

[unidentified noodle shop in Seoul]

Occasion: Lunch with Kathy
Location: this place

Edibles: Non-spicy noodles for me; spicy noodles for Kathy

Musings: This dish really is the perfect summer lunch - cool, tart and light. Cold soba vermicelli (an opaque grey-green color and chewier than regular Chinese vermicelli made with mung beans) in an iced broth, with a hardboiled egg. I gave it a generous squirt of white vinegar, a substance I had previously dismissed as only fit for glass-cleaning, but which provided the perfect unobtrustive acidity. Outstanding.

(There was some barbequed pork on the side but I barely paid any attention to it, so occupied was I by the noodles. Considering what a meat-tooth I am, that's saying something.)

I think I can replicate this at home.

Kathy had the spicy version. (Note: If you're not a spicy foods wimp like me, you will LOVE Korea. They appreciate a pepper here. And possibly also Red Dye #40.)

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