August 23, 2010

Sinpo Mandoo

Occasion: Pre-shopping lunch with Kathy
Location: Sinpo Mandoo (
Edibles: fried mandoo; steamed black rice mandoo; kimchi mandoo

Musings: Sinpo's seating area was the epitome of bland mass-market eateries but I didn't have to worry that it was some shoddy Korean fast-food chain. One, I trusted that Kathy would never lead me astray like that. Two, on the way in we passed a window into the kitchen showing a little old man making mandoo by hand. (There's nothing worse than a chain restaurant where all the food is delivered pre-made and frozen, in bags. This is why I find Olive Garden and its ilk so offensive.)

The fried mandoo were my favorite of the three kinds we got. Unlike Chinese potstickers, which are generally pan-fried, these guys were breaded and deep-fried to create the great crunchy crust. The perfect combination of flavor and texture.

The black rice ones were novel and the flavor was good, but they were a touch soggy.

The kimchi mandoo were bold and spicy.... alas, a touch too spicy for me. I had two of these and my mouth started to go numb. I had beat an ignominious retreat but Kathy was able to finish them off.

If I were to come back, I'd probably be boring and get a double order of the fried mandoo. All in all, an excellent lunch - cheap, fast, fresh and tasty.

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