August 23, 2010

Tofu House

Occasion: Dinner with some of Kathy and Ron's friends
Location: Tofu House, somewhere in Shinchon (again, I can always appeal to Kathy and Ron if you're looking for an exact location)
Edibles: non-spicy tofu stew with red bean rice

Musings: I love this sort of peasant food (matter-of-fact, hearty, loaded with lots of carbs and cheap proteins). I ordered the only non-spicy tofu stew on the menu. It was lovely and mild, with a slight peanut-y taste. I can totally see why Kathy and Ron are regulars here. It was a yummy meal even in the steamy summer heat - I can only imagine how wonderful it is in the deep of winter.

For those of you who recoil at the thought of eating tofu, I ask you to reconsider your prejudices. I like tofu not because it's healthy, but because it's awesome and delicious. The silky wobble of it on your tongue can be almost sort of... sexy.

It's bland, you say? So are many other wonderful foods like eggplant, rice, polenta and even bread. They're usually meant to absorb the characteristics of the foods you cook them with, or provide a respite from other intensely flavored things you're eating in the meal.

Yes, some ungodly things have been done to tofu. Tofurkey, for example, just gives me the creeps. I personally think preparations that substitute tofu for meat don't do it justice. It's perfectly tasty in its natural state. We Asians know how to cook it right - give it a chance!

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