August 5, 2010

Top Chef DC, Ep. 8

Original Air Date: August 4, 2010

1) I've never met a world cuisine I didn't like.... except Ethiopian. Please don't offer to take me to your favorite Ethiopian restaurant. I'm allowed to not like *one* cuisine, OK?
2) Kenny, you don't need to make a duo or a trio or seven freakin' dishes for every challenge. It's not been that successful a tactic to date.
3) Wow, they really pitched some softballs on the countries. France? Italy? What about Sweden for Marcus?
4) Ed, if you're making tea-smoked duck, spring for some quality loose leaf tea. Don't use Lipton tea bags.
5) I thought Kevin would crash and burn with his whole "I don't know anything about Indian food but I'm making my own curry powder" - but he pulled it off!
6) Does Alex have short-term memory problems, or is he a compulsive liar? Between last episode's Case of the Purloined Pea Purée and this episode's veal cheeks (which he told the judges were in his dish, even though he told Tom earlier that he couldn't find any at Whole Foods), he's looking pretty sketchy.

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