July 23, 2010

Top Chef DC, Ep. 6

Original Air Date: July 21, 2010

1) Why was foie gras on that Quickfire table? Way too easy! Someone had to cook duck testicles!!
2) When Tamesha, with her dead eyes, interviewed that she wanted to strangle Amanda with her bare hands, I was kinda scared for Amanda.
3) Ah, Tamesha - defeated by the scallop. Second only to dessert as a Top Chef Waterloo. I don't think she was the worst chef standing; unfortunately, she chose to suck on a day when the format really worked against her. I can see why Group B chose Kenny for the block, but there was no way the judges were going to send a strong contender home so early.

[P.S. Bravo, how about not putting a huge picture of the eliminiated cheftestant on your website? Spoiler much? Give people a couple of days to get to their DVR'ed shows!]

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