July 13, 2010

Top Chef DC, Ep. 4

Original Air Date: July 7, 2010

1) Bryan! The producers obviously agreed with me - what this season needs is some Voltaggio.
2) What was up with that fugly shirt on Padma? Get it together, Wardrobe!
3) Interesting format idea for the Elimination. And by interesting, I mean half-baked. If the prize is a feature on the Hilton menu, shouldn't they have eliminated the worst chefs in each successive round as opposed to the best ones? Why didn't they give the chefs feedback between rounds? And shouldn't the winner have been picked from among the best of all three meals, instead of just the dinner (where the team also produced two sucky meals)? Concept clearly needs work.
4) Amanda, people don't want to partner with you, not because they think you can't cook, but because they think you're abrasive and obnoxious. Have some self-awareness, lady.

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