July 1, 2010

Top Chef DC, Ep. 3

Original Air Date: June 30, 2010

1) I rarely encounter a pie I don't want to snarf down. But I don't think I'd like a dessert pie with curry. Or celery. Or tapioca and goat cheese. I mean, what the what?!
2) "It's a cop-out to say you're not a pastry chef. My grandmother's not a pastry chef either, and she can make a pie." BURN!
3) I'm still haven't figured out whether "magazine cover dish" is a compliment or insult coming from Jonathan Waxman, the king of sloppy plating.
4) Tracey been a disaster from the get-go. Definitely time for her to leave.
5) I've decided I don't like Amanda either. (Though I wouldn't mind trying her bbq ribs.) Why isn't there anyone to root for this season? There's a third Voltaggio sibling, right? Can she cook?

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