April 8, 2010

Top Chef Masters Season 2, Ep. 1

Original Air Date: April 7, 2010
The Masters are back, baby!

1) Last season must have done well - prize money is WAY up this season. It looks like they're also tinkering with the format? I think it made more sense when the score was cumulative over the two events.
2) Clamato was a smart pick for a gas station ingredient. The crazy red dye Cheetos, not so much. Govind, you're pretty but dumb. And kind of whiny.
3) I think the rice cakes (Team Ana and Jerry) should have won the Quickfire for more creative use of ingredients. Bread pudding is hardly a stretch.
4) Wasn't really blown away by any of the Elimination dishes. None of the duos made a ton of sense together, and half the dishes sounded like they had pretty big execution issues. Or maybe it was just the way they edited the judges' comments to be so noncommital.
5) I swear Kelly and Gael have both had plastic surgery since last season. Kelly's eyes bug out a lot more than they used to, and Gael either had a bad chemical peel or I guess it could have been a bad sunburn.

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