April 11, 2010

Motorino - Pizza Crawl Stop #4

Location: Motorino on 12th St between 1st and 2nd (motorinopizza.com)
Edibles: cremini mushroom and sweet sausage pizza, margherita pizza

Musings: Our last stop. Impressively, nine of eleven people who started the day lasted to the finish line. No one was, by any stretch of the imagination, hungry at this point but many were able to find a second wind.

Motorino is a fancier (and more expensive) place than the others we went to on the crawl, aimed at the same foodie audience as a Pulino's or Otto. We luckily got there in the late afternoon when the restaurant was mostly empty. Still, they were pretty nice about pulling together four tables for our group. Not knowing about our shenanigans, they were incredulous that we ordered so little food for so many people (the pizzas at Motorino are individual-sized, around 10").

There was a brunch pizza with eggs that sounded intriguing, but we settled on the cremini and sweet sausage and the classic margherita. The toppings on both pizzas were high quality. I was a big fan of the cremini and sausage, personally. The margherita was workmanlike but I was too pizza'ed out to work up any real enthusiasm.

Their crust could use some work - while nice and chewy, it was also pretty salty and aggressively charred. This location is pretty new so perhaps they're still getting used to the idiosyncrasies of their pizza oven.

My tally: I managed a slice of each, but they were pretty puny so I'll count it as one. Grand total: 4½. I think that's pretty respectable.

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