September 11, 2010

Mmmm... Oktoberfest, Part Deux

Same deal as last year. Lots of booze, lots of würsts from Schaller & Weber.

Two new salads this year. They went pretty quick - always a good sign for a debut recipe.

Potato and Macaroni Salad
(based on a Martha recipe)

boiled and halved fingerling potatoes
cooked and drained macaroni
sliced raw sugar snaps
lots of bacon bits

Dressing: Greek yogurt, olive oil, S&P

A slight tweak for this one: I wasn't crazy about the sugar snaps - the pea husks were a bit fibrous. I did like the color and the crunch, so I'll probably try snow peas next time.

Cucumber and Avocado Salad

yellow and orange bell peppers
(all roughly chopped)

Dressing: red wine vinaigrette with lots of mustard

Nothing could be simpler. I'd never put these three things together but I think it worked out well. I think it'd be tasty with some toasted nuts sprinkled on top - maybe walnuts or pecans.

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