September 16, 2010

Massive Top Chef DC Catch-up

Every remaining episode in this season. Dedicated to faithful readers Karen and Josie.

Ep. 9 - Restaurant Wars
Original Air Date: August 11, 2010

1) "EVOO" makes any Food Network viewer think of Rachael Ray. Maybe not the association you want for your fine dining restaurant? (Off-topic, but it's a real food peeve of mine that Rachael Ray's budget cooking show encourages people to cook with extra-virgin olive oil ALL the time. Heat higher than about 250° - namely, the temperatures at which you cook on a stovetop or in the oven - will damage and deteriorate extra-virgin olive oil. Use canola or lower grade olive as your regular cooking oil and save the expensive extra-virgin for cold dishes and salads, or for drizzling over stuff that's already cooked.)
2) Alex is total crap at butchering proteins. *I* could have done a better job. Why did they leave him at it for so long?
3) Alex is also rubbish at front of the house. I know you wanted him out of the kitchen, Red Team, but you also want to make a good impression on the judges and he is the only one they will see.
4) Classic fake-out ending by the editors. I think Blue Team was lulled into a false sense of security by the chaos on Red Team. Attacking Alex on the winning team was an inexplicable strategy to take at Judges' Table.
5) Shocker elimination. I thought for sure Kenny would make it to the finals. I bet it chaps his ass that Alex and Amanda are still around.

Ep. 10 - Covert Cuisine
Original Air Date: August 18, 2010

1) Loved this Quickfire. Those were some crazy ingredients they threw together. I mean, hominy and squid and passionfruit? Diabolical! I wish they'd taken the time to detail how everything was used in the dishes. I also wish Wylie had taken a minute to tell us what he would have cooked. Inquiring minds want to know!
2) Weird to hear "CIA" on a cooking show and have it mean the spy people, not the Culinary Institute of America.
3) Maybe Ed could have pushed his inside-out idea further and disguised the dish as sushi? You could use spinach to simulate the seaweed and both chicken and Swiss are pale enough to look kind of like rice. Beef Wellington - that's tough, there are only two main ingredients. Maybe a savory Napoleon? French onion soup has a lot of elements to play with. Maybe a kind of French dip sandwich with onion rings?
4) Annoying Amanda escapes to cook another day! Argh! Her dish looked like a stool sample and also failed to meet the basic requirements of the challenge. Though to be fair, Ed and Kevin biffed the disguise as well.

Ep. 11 - Making Concessions
Original Air Date: August 25, 2010

1) Loved this Quickfire too. I can't believe no one picked "Hide the salami." I though it would have been fun for Amanda play off her phrase and use rigatoni, so it looked like mac and cheese for giants. But I'm also okay with continuing to hate her for being boring.
2) Angelo was dumb to volunteer for orders - it's all downside, no upside. Maybe they could have rotated on orders? Or just cooked lots of food and set it out, since it was all free?
3) Annoying Amanda finally gets the axe! Tartare at a baseball concessions stand? Total wack-a-doo decision. Any knowledge of basic food safety would lead you to NOT chop the stuff the night before. The more surface area there is, the faster bacteria multiplies. (That's why hamburger doesn't last as long and is a greater food poisoning risk than steak.) Not knowing how to stave off oxidation was another huge blunder. Good riddance!

Ep. 12 - Gastronauts
Original Air Date: September 1, 2010

1) I saw Buzz Aldrin, and immediately pictured him dating Liz Lemon's mom. Love that show!
2) OK, this challenge made no sense. It should have happened earlier in the season, and the cheftestants should have had to actually freeze-dry and reconstitute their dishes. (Like the Season 3 folks, who actually had to serve their airplane food reheated on a plane.) As is, they just ended up with a bunch of nonsensical
"suggestions" like don't use too much sugar and astronauts like spicy foods.
3) Speaking of which... no sugar? I used to volunteer at Science World, and one of the most popular items in the gift shop was freeze-dried ice-cream.
4) Angelo really needs to stop talking about "making love" to his food. I mean, food and cooking can be sensual but I want to feel it in the dish, not hear it from the chef.
5) Ripert was hard to please this ep. I actually really like it when the judges disagree - food is so subjective, after all.

Ep. 13 - Finale, Part I
Original Air Date: September 8, 2010

1) Singapore? Pretty random.
2) I want a culinary tour of the city led by Seetoh. Incidentally, I think the Singaporean accent is very charming (unlike the majority of Asian accents).
3) Nice obstacle on the Quickfire with the Chinese labels. I'm actually kind of surprised that Angelo can't read a little, especially the food words - he seems to have quite the Asian fetish. (Which makes his Russian mail-order bride all the more inexplicable.)
4) Wow, toxic atmosphere in that kitchen. Doesn't take much success for Ed's Mr. Hyde to come out, does it?
5) Given the hot weather, why so many soups and no salads?
6) Kevin's egg and tapioca dish sounded like a slimy, goopy disaster. And yet the judges loved it. Where did the flavor come from? If he'd never cooked it before, I'm impressed Kevin aced the tapioca. A friend of our family has a bubble tea shop in Vancouver and, according to her, it's a very finicky thing to cook - they have to do a batch every few hours because the centers start to seize up if the tapioca sits too long.

Ep. 14 - Finale, Part II
Original Air Date: September 15, 2010

1) Michael Volt!! His presence reminds me that last season was out-of-the-park with talent, whereas this season was characterized by annoying people and mediocrity.
2) Slipper lobsters look like giant roaches. The first person to try to eat that must have been pretty damn hungry.
3) What exactly was wrong with Angelo? Migraine? Food poisoning? The latter seems most likely, but why would he get food poisoning when it looks like they all ate the same things?
4) Breakdown by course: 1st, veg - Ed's corn velouté was the clear winner; 2nd, rouget - Angelo/Kevin split; 3rd, duck - Kevin's was the favorite (though the skin looked hardly rendered at all in the glamour shot); 4th, dessert - another Angelo/Kevin split.
5) Congrats to Kevin and all - but I think he won through process of elimination. To me, Angelo's fatal flaw was his weird flavor combinations. Watermelon and mushroom and pork? Duck and cinnamon marshmallow? Ed's fatal flaw was clearly to let Ilan do the dessert himself.

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