June 11, 2010

Top Chef Masters Season 2 Finale

Original Air Date: June 9, 2010

1) Wow, how can Rick hope to compare to Marcus and Susur's insanely dramatic life stories? (For those of you that don't watch the show, Marcus' birth mother died of tuberculosis in Ethiopia when he was three and he and his sister were adopted by a Swedish family. Susur moved from Hong Kong to Canada to be with his first wife - who was a passenger on Korean Air Flight 007, which was shot down in Soviet airspace in 1983.)
2) That picture of Rick as a child had me laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair. What a cute, goofy-looking kid he was! Marcus was an adorable child, too. Susur looked really different when he was younger - his face filled out into a completely different shape.
3) Marcus only used half his budget?
4) Dishes I most wanted to eat: Rick's first (a glazed oyster, hamachi and scallop crudo); Marcus' second (salt-cured duck and foie gras ganache); Susur and Rick's third courses (Thai lamb with Chiang Mai sausage and venison with a stuffed cippolini onion, respectively). I don't have a lot of familiarity with either Scandinavian or African cuisine, but Marcus' food just seemed weird.
5) For new readers, I thought about my own "cook's journey" meal during last season's finale. My answers are here.

[P.S. Thanks to Summer Brother for his "technical assistance" in getting me this ep after my DVR failed to tape it. Bad Gadget!]

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