June 19, 2010

Top Chef DC, Ep. 1

Original Air Date: June 16, 2010

1) Welcome back, Top Chef! Though from what I've heard from Sylvia on the restaurant scene there, perhaps DC's not the most qualified city to be hosting this season.
2) I think post-baby Padma looks gorgeous and glowing, but the above outfit is just not flattering.
3) Silver fox and chef extraordinaire Eric Ripert is a new judge!!!!!!!! Hubba hubba!!

4) If you name your restaurant "Rat's", you deserve to have it go out of business.
5) Peeling potatoes with paring knives is ridiculous. I am a potato-peeling machine with my horizontal peeler, and I defy Tom Colicchio to tell me why it's any less legitimate.
6) A surprisingly high correlation between the fastest mise en place chefs and best elimination challenge chefs. Except for Tim, poor shmuck.
7) Looks like Angelo's got some skills. Unfortunately, he is a total blowhard and I hate him already. And dude? Monte Carlo is not in France.

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