June 25, 2010

Top Chef DC, Ep. 2

Original Air Date: June 23, 2010

1) Cafeteria food, sigh. Second only to airplane food for being a complete and utter tragedy. For my high school years, my mom abdicated all nutritional responsibility and just gave me $5 for breakfast and lunch in the school cafeteria. Thank God that was when I had the metabolism of a teenager. (Hey - if you think it's amazing now, you should have seen me then.) My brother got two granola bars every day, in about three rotating flavors purchased in bulk from Costco. My mom CAN cook; she just doesn't like to.
2) Jacqueline: spotty technical skills + spotty food science. If you have a grainy mixture (ep. 1), you can only fix it with heat if the bits will melt, like chocolate. Liver, not so much. (Well, I guess you can cook the bejesus out of it, until everything disintegrates into mush. But that's going to taste terrible.) For her pudding: sugar can be used to mask too much salt, or fix too much acid, but it does not break down starch - enzymes break down starch... into sugar.
3) Angelo and Amanda share the prize for Stupidest Idea. Celery in a tuile? Sherry-braised chicken? To serve to kids? Completely unhinged.
4) Awesome, cutthroat Judges' Table. Maybe the best ever. Sabotage! Two pounds of sugar! Peanut butter is evil!

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