December 13, 2009

Mmmm... stewed pork on rice

I hesitated over posting on today's cooking. I (obviously) did it, but I'm warning you in advance that this "recipe" is even more vague my recipes usually are. It's my mom's, and not only did she not have any quantitative measurements to begin with, but I also lost track of my own measurements while fiddling with it and trying to get it to taste like hers. My best advice for mastering this dish, if you're at all interested in doing so, is to call me up one day and have me cook it for you once.  =)

Mom's Stewed Pork Sauce
(sort of a Chinese bolognese)

2 lbs of ground pork
6 shallots, finely chopped
soy sauce
cooking wine (I used a traditional Chinese salted rice wine this time, but I've also used vodka in a pinch)
honey or sugar
nutmeg (my addition; can omit)

In a large pot, pour in a puddle of oil and cook the shallots thoroughly, until they're a uniform deep mahogany brown. Add the pork and brown. Break up any clumps of meat; you want as fine a texture of cooked pork as you have the patience for. Add a generous glug of cooking wine, soy sauce, your sweetener of choice, pepper and nutmeg to season (taking into account the water that will be added next). Add water until it covers the meat, plus an inch. Simmer over low heat for at least 1 hour.

About a half hour in, you can add up to a dozen peeled, hard-boiled eggs to stew in the sauce. Instant side dish!

Serve over rice.

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