November 6, 2009

Top Chef Reunion Dinner

Original Air Date: November 4, 2009

1) The people who were annoying in their original seasons are still annoying. I'm looking at you, Tiffani, Marcel, Ilan and Lisa.
2) Speaking of Marcel... The head-shaving incident was way over the line, even in retrospect. But I can see why living with him would have driven people to it. He's got this jittery-obnoxious-immature bravado thing going and it hasn't gotten better with time. Grow up and chill out, dude.
3) Fabio and Stefan really need to have their own show. The way they interact is somehow just naturally hilarious and watchable. And it would be the most quotable show ever. My favorites from Season 5 went something like: "Skinning an eel is like riding a bicycle" (Stefan); "We could serve monkey ass in empty clam shells" (Fabio); and "I'm sweating like a goat at the beach" (Fabio).

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