November 16, 2009


Occasion: Workday lunch
Location: Chop't on 51st between 6th and 7th ( [Note: three other locations]
Edibles: Palm Beach salad with grilled shrimp, hearts of palm, avocado, tomato, cucumber and a simple lemon vinaigrette

Musings: Detox! After ten days of dulce de leche, empanadas, steak and wine galore, I've put myself on salad lunches this week.

I was a regular at the eastside Chop't in the Death Star days, and was glad to find a location within walking distance of my new office. My patronage here has been an exercise in trying to figure out how to maximize toppings per dollar.

Their house specials are one way to go: the Palm Beach is priced at $9.75 before tax but would cost $11.45 if you'd created it yourself à la carte (the avocado is $1.25 extra and the shrimp is a whopping $3.25). To anyone not living in NYC, the idea of $10+ for a lunch salad might seem obscene. I guess it is, but what are you going to do?

The other salad I like to get is my own creation: fried chicken, apples, grapes and cucumber, with the lemon vinaigrette. (I know, I know, it sort of violates the spirit of salad to put fried chicken in it. But it's REALLY good.)

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