April 14, 2020

Roasted Beets

This is the best method I've come across for roasting beets, which are very inexpensive in the fall but somehow always expensive in restaurants.


Wrap each beet (whole and unpeeled) individually in foil. Place on a sheet and throw it in your oven at 375 F - no need to preheat. Let the oven run about half an hour after it comes up to temp. Turn the oven off but leave the beets in there until your oven cools down completely.

Keep the beets in foil until you want to use them. They will keep in the fridge for a week to ten days. When you want to use them, unwrap the foil. The beet skin should rub off easily in your hands.

What's great about this method is that, while it takes a long time, it doesn't take a lot of power or attention. In fact, you can turn off the oven and leave the house while the beets finish cooking. And because they're individually wrapped, you can have a salad of one beet every couple of days after one batch of roasting - perfect for a single person.

I really like roasted beets with a mustardy citrus vinaigrette. Goat cheese or chopped nuts go great if you have them.

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