August 13, 2011

Nord Seafood Bar at Keflavik Airport

Occasion: Layover on the way to Stockholm
Location: Nord Seafood Bar at Keflavik Airport in Reykjavik, Iceland (
Edibles: smoked salmon open-faced sandwich with lettuce and sliced hardboiled egg, with a dill honey-mustard

Musings: Hailing from the west coast, I admit that I've always sneered at Atlantic salmon. No more. The smoked salmon they were serving at Nord - at an airport, no less - was nothing short of spectacular. Really rich and silky, not too fishy or salty. Perfection, full stop. I've never had smoked salmon so good.

An unexpectedly delicious start to our trip.

[Postscript, 8/21: We ate here again before our flight back. I tried the shrimp sandwich this time, which was not as good as the salmon. The shrimps were flavorless and the bread was soggy, like it'd been sitting there for a while.]

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