August 19, 2011

Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur

Occasion: More snacking after, really, a very modest pub crawl
Location: Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur ("the best hot dogs in town") - as for location, I can only tell you that it's down by the harbor, but it's not hard to find because downtown Reykjavik is that small (
Edibles: hog dogs with the works

Musings: Quelle tragédie!!! The crazy hot dog with shrimp salad and mashed potatoes that I thought was an Icelandic thing is in fact.... a Swedish thing. Blerg. Hot dog fail. (FYI, it's called tunnbrödsrulle* and Bourdain had it at a stand called Maxi Grillen.)

But back to the hot dog at hand.... Apparently Bæjarins Beztu was once named the best hot dog stand in Europe? That food reviewer must have been on drugs. The hot dog they serve here is basically just a New York dirty water dog. It's about $2, and comes with standard condiments like ketchup, mustard, fried onions.

My crushing disappointment was slightly mitigated by our very amusing company. A little Korean man plopped down beside us on the picnic bench and started a lament on how difficult it was to find his son a nice Korean girl in Iceland. "We're not Korean," we tell him. "Close enough," was his reply. A little later, the man's Russian business partner joined us. They have a fish export business. Local color - gotta love it.

[*Note: Okay, now I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of tunnbrödsrulle. I will attempt to make some at Oktoberfest IV.]

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