January 30, 2011

Resto, part II

Occasion: Procrastination / cabin fever brunch (the former being Yining's reason and the latter, mine)
Location: Resto on 29th between Park and Lex (restonyc.com)
Edibles: we split the gruyère frittata with argula and the eggs Benedict

Musings: Jinkies! We went to Penelope at 11:00, and there was already a 1-hour wait! Man, we seriously need more brunch options in the neighborhood. We bailed, and decided to see if Resto served brunch. And they do! (And may I say, the place looks really different in daytime.)

Unfortunately, the food could use some work. The foundation's there; it just needs fine-tuning. Take the frittata. Thin and rubbery, and really unevenly seasoned - I took a crazy-salty bite, just as Yining was complaining that it was too bland. This one's easily fixed by using more eggs (so the frittata doesn't get overcooked so quickly) and salting the eggs before beating them.

The Benedict dish was great in concept - I mean, a bacon waffle eggs Benedict!! - but the waffle was WAY too sweet. I frequently encountered giant clumps of undissolved brown sugar. The effect was like eggs and hollandaise on top of a doughnut. Which is gross. Had they cut the sugar in half, and mixed it into the waffle batter properly, it would have been a stunner.

You can do it, Resto!

[After brunch we stopped by Fishs Eddy, one of my New York happy places. Of course, I could not resist picking up a few things. How wonderful is this: a sauce dish set with a green one that says Great Lawn, a black one that says Livery Cab, and a grey one - Pigeon. Love it!]

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