January 1, 2011

A New Year

Where has the time gone?

Exciting plans for 2011:

1) The blog enters its third year, and approaches its second anniversary. For 2011, I'm hoping to turn the first year of this blog into a book, to be self-published on Amazon as an ebook. Those of you with Kindles will be able to enjoy it directly, but there's a Kindle app for PC, Android, Blackberry and Apple products so pretty much everyone will have access.

2) My friends Melissa and Tony are getting hitched in March! In Morocco! My tickets are booked, and I'm looking forward to a fabulous trip with lots of culinary adventures. Among them, I'm interested in a tagine cooking class that includes a shopping trip in the local market.

3) My office is moving next week! It's just 14 blocks, but in New York that's a whole new neighborhood. Lots of new lunch options to explore!

What are you up to in 2011?

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