November 12, 2020

Miso Cod

1 lb sablefish / black cod for 3 servings
1/4 cup mirin
1/4 cup sake (plus 2 tbsp for rinsing salt off the fish)
4 tbsp white miso
3 tbsp sugar


Salt the fish and set aside for 30 min. Cut into three generous fillets

To make the marinade, cook the mirin and sake for 30 seconds to boil off some of the alcohol. Whisk in the miso and stir until completely incorporated. Add sugar at the end, and stir to dissolve. Take the marinade off heat and cool to room temp.

After resting for 30 min, use the 2 extra tbsp of sake to rinse the salt off the fish. Do not rinse with water! Pat the fish dry.

Coat each fish fillet in marinade and set in a non-reactive dish. Double saran wrap it.

Marinate in the fridge for 3-5 days.

When fully marinated, take the fish out and smooth off excess marinade. Do not rinse with water! Bake at 350F for 20-25 min.

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