September 7, 2016

Irina's Cherry Cordial

2 lbs cherries (or berries, like blackberries or currants)*
½ lb sugar
100 mL water
½ L grain alcohol (according to Irina, it's the stuff you can get for about 
          $15/bottle that's 95% alcohol - yeah, you read that ABV right)
optional: lime zest, vanilla

Combine the cherries and sugar and leave for 2-3 weeks at room temperature. Agitate occasionally.

After a week, add the grain alcohol and water. Steep for 2-3 months. Lime zest and vanilla optional.

Strain and bottle, but keep the fruit - it makes for a very delicious (if dangerous) treat to serve with dessert, in cocktails, etc. The resulting liqueur is about 60% ABV. It's absolutely luscious, with a deep fruit flavor almost like port, and a syrupy, unctuous texture.

*If you want to try it with peaches or apricots, it'll be ready faster. Irina advises a minimum of 1 week for the sugar step and 2 weeks with the grain alcohol.

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