September 10, 2011

Mmmm... Oktoberfest III: Tokyo Drift

OK, so I'm now the proud owner of - count 'em - four growlers. There's my two original ones from the first Oktoberfest, plus the two new ones that I just impulse-purchased.

I've named the one on the left Jeannie because it reminds me of the genie bottle from "I Dream of Jeannie" and the one on the right is Gunther, for no particular reason. Gunther was $15 at New Beer Distributors, beer included. A steal, I say, a steal!

I made pretty much the same salads I made last year. Ben sort of stole the show with his homemade pretzels so I'm posting his notes in case anyone out there's feeling ambitious. (Sorry - it's too close to baking for me to attempt.)

Homemade Soft Pretzels

Here's the source recipe:

Ben says: "It really wasn't all that hard (especially since I didn't sift the flour). It's probably more fun if you have an assembly line (one person rolls and shapes the dough, one person boils them, one person handles the egg wash and salt, etc.). And just so you know, they really don't last more than a day (the salt on the outside makes them gummy). The recipe for the mustard [sauce] was ridiculously easy and it lasts a while. I had so much extra that I found myself using it in most of my meals for the next month (cold meats, smoked fish, in a vinaigrette, etc.)"

And finally, for a laugh:

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