June 26, 2011

Mmmm... spinach and feta hummus

Maggie brought this positively addictive dip to Mark's bbq.

Spinach and Feta Hummus
1 can (15 oz) of chickpeas / garbanzo beans
2 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped
2 cups fresh spinach (I bet you can substitute 1 cup frozen spinach, defrosted and squeezed-out)
½ cup feta cheese
2 tbsp tahini
6 tbsp olive oil
salt, pepper, red pepper flakes for some heat - all to taste

Drain the chickpeas. Add the beans, half the spinach, half the feta, and all the other ingredients into a food processor. Process until smooth. Add the rest of the spinach and feta, and process to your desired consistency (I think it's nice when it has a little texture). Thin with water or more olive oil (or lemon juice or chicken stock) if necessary.

Refrigerate for one hour before serving. Great for parties!

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