March 27, 2011

Cafe Arabe

Occasion: Group dinner
Location: Cafe Arabe in the center of the medina, just northwest of the souks
Edibles: about half ordered the harira soup (including me); we shared various salads and tagines; a few people also ordered dessert

Musings: We all had drinks on the rooftop terrace as a post-wedding event. The terrace is lovely, affording a nice view of the surrounding area and lots of gorgeous light as the sun set. After drinks, the majority of us (minus the bride, groom and their families) headed downstairs for dinner.

Since we were such a large group, they seated us in what I can only describe as the Cave of Red Death. Although the rest of the restaurant was lit conventionally with candlelight and wall sconces, our only source of light was a chandelier with red light bulbs. The photo shows exactly how red it was:

"And that red light is burning my brain!"

It was mostly ignorable to start. Then the food arrived, and you literally could not distinguish the zucchini from the carrots. And towards the end of the dinner, that light started to feel sort of psychotic. But I guess it's only a problem if they happen to seat you in there.

The food was mostly average and forgettable. In addition to Moroccan food, the menu also contains an Italian selection but we stayed out of it. A few people started with the harira soup, a traditional chickpea/lentil soup. I personally found it pretty bland and pulpy. The one new tagine we ordered was the sausage (merguez). I thought the sausage was sort of dry and hard (like I've been finding the meatballs), but it was popular enough with the guys that we ordered a second one. People seemed pretty happy with their desserts.

If you're looking for evening activities in the medina, I'd have a drink on the roof at Cafe Arabe. But I'd give the dinner a pass.

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