October 7, 2009

Halal food truck

Location: the southwest corner of 53rd and 6th Ave, just south of the Hilton - look for the guys in the yellow shirts [Note: there's another food truck with guys in yellow shirts on the southeast corner. I haven't tried it, but there was also an insane line for that one.]

The thing about this truck is that there's a long line. Always. Always. On a sunny day, bring reading material. At lunchtime on weekdays, there are a fair number of folks in business dress. I've passed this truck at night, post-theatre and close to midnight, and the line is just as long. Cabbies come in droves, and eat in their parked cars.

(On this particular day, while waiting in the 30-person line, I was forced to listen to fifteen minutes of a very loud conversation the guy behind me was having with his girlfriend on his cell phone. They were discussing their.... er, physical relationship.... and it sounded something like this: "We're two f**king different people! I deal with sh*t my way! You deal with sh*t your way! Why do you expect us to f**king think the same way about sh*t!" Oh, New York.)

I like the chicken and lamb mixed grill on rice with white sauce and just a squirt of hot sauce (it packs a punch). The picture above is a fairly artsy rendering. In reality, it looks like a sloppy mess but it tastes as good as that picture makes it look. It's $5.00 and it's a big enough portion that it routinely lasts me for two meals - perks up just fine in the microwave.


  1. Hey it's me, Morgan. :) Just out of curiosity, did you get inspiration for the name of the blog from the Lloyd Alexander books?
