August 7, 2009

Hallo Berlin German Food Stand

Occasion: great-sunny-day-to-be-standing-outside-waiting-in-a-loooooong-line lunch
Location: Hallo Berlin German Food Stand on 54th at 5th Ave (
Edibles: alpenwürst and bratwürst with fried potatoes, grilled onions, red and white sauerkraut

Musings: My sister had read an article about an award-winning German sausage truck in midtown and wanted to try it on her last visit. No luck. Not only did we fail to find it (not there on weekends, as I now know), but we also failed to find anyone in the vicinity who even knew what we were talking about. I figured it was an out-of-date article and gave it up as a lost cause.

When I walked past that corner today and spied 1) the long line and 2) the Hallo Berlin logo, it was a "Eureka!" moment. I immediately called my sister in California to report that the sausage truck was not a mythical beast. Next time you're in town, Allie!

The food is the same yummy stuff you can get at their Hell's Kitchen restaurant/bar. Or rather, vice versa, as the truck came first. The service is a little slow - it look 25 minutes for the guy to get through the 12 people in front of me.

Truly awesome specials: the Brezhnew and Honecker Dictators Special (No choice - 1 Berliner knockfrank, 1 bratwürst, 1 small soup) and the Barack Obama Democracy Special (Choice of any 2 würsts and 1 Bavarian meatball).

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